You shape the final fit.
I think of the TLC process as a spiral. Rather than a straight line, many different people contribute toward the final results. The primary collaborator that shapes the spiral is the homeowner. As the process progresses it is the homeowner that initiates and responds to every other contributor ( ie. city planner, banker, builder, engineer). Each one tries to put their “spin” on the project, and the homeowner directs and responds. Our role is to stand next to you, the homeowner, so that you are left “spinning”. We hold the big picture for you as you face each decision and possibility. In this way your contribution shapes the final fit.
A RECENT EXAMPLE: A couple who had experienced a terrible personal tragedy shortly before, contacted me to design a home that could accommodate their new reality. As I got to know them I was astonished to see how willing they were to respond to any and all questions. Nothing was off limits. Using all their contribution we started considering options.
As we went from one design option to the next several very important things happened. They found out which ideas worked and which did not work. Eventually, we included input from elevator professionals, from structural suppliers and from a builder. The house took shape and even after the Working Drawings had gone to the city for permit application a completely new idea showed up that improved and made the house a better fit for my client.
It is very satisfying for everyone to look at the end result, even years later and remember how the house came together and that everyone had a hand in contributing to a house that fits.