If you haven’t landed then you’re in the wrong house
I’ve renovated or built more than 10 homes for myself and my family. My dad got my brother and I to build our first house when I was 13 (a mud hut). By then we had worked with him to build our family, two houses. I started working with home owners professionally when I was 29, almost 30 years ago. I have become completely convinced that we want our homes to fit what we care about. We want to live in spaces that feel like they support and celebrate the person we want to be.
Let me go one step further. It’s not about money. If you can afford more, you still care about the fit. Whether your address is downtown, in the suburbs, or in the country, when you step through the front door you want to feel like you’ve arrived, like you’ve landed.
I’m convinced that finding a home that fits is rare. When it happens it is spectacular.
Fit is about design. Frank Loyd Wright said that there should be as many home designs as there are people to live in them. Most of us have never lived in a home designed for us, so we don’t know what it’s like to have truly landed – found our fit. I’ve been helping people find that fit for more than three decades. If you are considering changes in your home – large, small or even moving and starting new – don’t miss this chance to get it right. It turns out that the best chance of landing comes from understanding yourself. The earlier I get involved in the process the more I can do to help you understand what you are looking for.