Maybe not everyone should live in the same house
I started my career in the construction industry spending my summers between university working on a crew for a local builder. This was in the 1970s, and I have since realized that I was part of a major building boom. We were building “subdivisions”. The builder I worked for was hardworking and took great pride in his work. It would never have occurred to him to employ a designer or architect.
I was 19, and I can probably be forgiven for thinking that there was a better way. Since then I’ve come to see why our economy produces neighbourhoods where every home looks like the one next to it, but I still think there is a better way and I’m past 60 now.
What follows is my story and the stories of my clients. I remain convinced that houses should reflect the uniqueness of the people that live in them. Sometimes that uniqueness comes out in a small change, a subtle shift like creating a passthrough. Other times it means a major addition to accommodate a growing family. And sometimes it involves creating a legacy, a new, one-of-a-kind home.
The bottom line is that if you choose to work with The Landing Company, my goal will be to find a better way for you and yours to live in your home.
– Will Klassen, Principle & Designer